The reason for the Reports to be empty is usually that Reporter Database does not contain the data from the Dollar Universe / Unijob Executions for the desired period of time.
This information is extracted from the table UNI_EVT_RELAUNCHES.
Possible causes for this issue are:
1. Reporter Extractions have stopped being launched: issue can be due to Reporter ( Continuous Extractions) / Internal Scheduler node ( Scheduled Extractions)
2. The Dollar Universe 6 / Unijob node where the Reporter Client has been installed stopped launching the Extraction Uproc ( which launches unirepadd), for example because its license has expired / launcher or node has been stopped...
3. Dollar Universe Execution nodes are not reachable from Reporter
4. Database issue ( filesystem full / tablespace...)
5. Report Generation is scheduled BEFORE the Extraction of the nodes is performed, make sure that generations are ALWAYS scheduled with enough time so that all Nodes Extractions have finished