After Spectrum Upgrade there are numerous " DIFFERENT MODEL TYPE" alarms in the console
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After Spectrum Upgrade there are numerous " DIFFERENT MODEL TYPE" alarms in the console


Article ID: 104899


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


After upgrading Spectrum, we are seeing numerous " DIFFERENT MODEL TYPE" alarms in the console. There are Cisco, Juniper, Checkpoint Firewalls and some other devices with the issue.  What is causing this?


DX Netops Spectrum - Any
Operating System - Linux / Windows


The "Different Model Type" alarm  means that Spectrum is using the wrong Model Type to manage that device. This most likely can happen that those devices were originally modeled ( when they were certified) prior to the present or new upgrade/install or someone customized it. Once a device has been Certified and Spectrum is aware of the proper Model Type for that device, if models of that same type exist already in the database and have a different Model Type than what is listed for the official certification, then Spectrum will assert the alarm "Different Model Type" 


First, after any Spectrum Upgrade, check to see if there has been any Certification Packs released since the version you upgraded to was released. This is to ensure the version you upgraded to also has the most recent Certifications. Please contact Spectrum Support to check if there are any Certification Packs for your version of Spectrum.

Second, after any Spectrum Upgrade, it is recommended to run the provided "" script located in <SPECROOT>/Install-Tools/PostInstall
This should be run as the Spectrum install user, using the hostname or ip of the server when prompted.

The script will check for any existing models based on System Object ID and compare the Model Type assigned. If the Model Type on the current device is different than what is listed for the Official Certification, the script will change the model to the correct Model Type.

Then, for any models still showing "DIFFERENT MODEL TYPE" alarms that did not get resolved by, then you want to manually edit the Certification of the device to manually assign the correct Model Type. To do this, you first want to check the official certification of the device based on its System Object ID to see what Model Type is was certified as. Then using Device Certification utility in OneClick, you can correct the Model Type manually. See these steps below: 

1. Select the respective alarm in the OneClick Console. 

2. In the Component Details Pane -> Information -> CA Spectrum Modeling Information -> System Object ID. Copy the SysObjID.

3. Note the sysObjectID and then look for it at

4. When you will see the results click on the first line in the first column.

5. A new page will open with all the details related to that respective SystemID / device. 

6. You will see the Model Type in this new window. 

7. Go back to OneClick console and right click on the selected alarm. 

8. Utilities-> Device certification -> There will be a column with Model Type where you will see the Model Type. 

9. Edit that incorrect Model Type with the correct one ( which you found in the Device certification page ). 

10. Save Device Certification changes and exit the utility if you are done. 

11. From here, the model must be Rediscovered in order for Spectrum to model the device under the new correct Model Type. Note that Rediscovering the device will result in a new model handle for the device, and will reset the Events stream and NCM configuration logs back to initial. 



Additional Information

Please reference the "Post Upgrade Tasks" section of the documentation for more information concerning the script.