You can access the Vantage Storage Point (VSP) Web Client from any computer with an IP connection to the server where the client resides. You can connect to Vantage hosts through the VSP web client only from a computer with IP access to those hosts.
During the installation of the VSP Web Client, it is not possible, by default, to customize the Host IP Address and the one directly linked to the Host ID configuration that is used by the product.
There are situations where customers would like to force vendors’ products to use specific Host IP Addresses that could better identify the connection with the Host.
How can a specific Host IP Address be forced during the installation of the VSP Web Client?
Vantage Storage Point Web Client
To force a specific Host IP Address during the Vantage Storage Point Web Client installation, it is possible to install the Web UI using another tomcat (this is supported by the installer), which would be to force use of a specific IP address as desired by the customer.
Below is a URL link which shows how to customize the IP address:
How do you configure tomcat to bind to a single ip address (localhost) instead of all addresses?
1. Edit tomcat/conf/server.xml.
2. Specify a bind address for that connector:
address="##.##.#.#" ------- to customize IP within the double quotes----------
It is necessary to operate with Apache Tomcat Version 8 or higher.
This method is not officially documented, but has worked for all customers asking for this capability.