General CA View / CA Deliver Upgrade Procedures
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General CA View / CA Deliver Upgrade Procedures


Article ID: 10461


Updated On:


Deliver View


The instructions provided are those to do the upgrades of CA View / CA Deliver, regardless of release level.

The instructions start at what to do after product download and fundamental installation have taken place.



CA View - All ReleasesCA Deliver - All Releases


. Stop any related CA Deliver RMOSTC started tasks, using "/F rmostc,OFF", to withdraw any hooks in the system.

. Stop all related CA View started tasks (SARSTC, SARFSS, SAREAS, SARXMS, etc.), as any task can result in a database update.


. To upgrade CA View:

 . Run SARDBASE UNLOAD on the database of the previous release, to have a copy of the database before the upgrade.

 . Create a backup copy of the View loadlib, of the previous release.


 . Copy the View loadlib, of the new release, to the production system.

 . Issue "/F LLA,REFRESH".


 . With the new code, run SARDBASE VERSION nn.n, corresponding to the new release.


 . Items that can be customized in CA View are: 

 . . Panels - CVDEPENU library 

 . . . Prior to running the SARDBASE OLOAD, customize the CVDEPENU(SARJCL1) member, as it uses a bogus library name in the //STEPLIB statement. 


 . . Banners - CVDEJCL library 

 . . . It is possible that a standard banner may have been customized, and the new release's standard banner (of the same name) could possibly overlay anything customized. 

 . . . Please ensure that anything customized is in place before any LOADing is done. 


 . . User Exits 

 . . . Compare the size of a default exit module to one that is possibly customized, and a customized exit will usually show to be larger.

 . . . If exit modification is identified, move the changes made to the exit code to the newly-supplied exit code, as default exit code could have been changed.


 . Run SARDBASE OLOAD, to load the new panels.

 . Run SARDBASE BLOAD, to load the new banners. 


 . Customize the SARSTC started task PROC, to have the same DDs and members referenced.

 . Optionally, have a //STEPLIB of the new View loadlib.


 . If running a SARXMS (cross-memory) task, alter it with the change in View release being run (noting PGM=ExnDRV name).


 . Update any corresponding logon profiles with the new libraries.

 . APF authorize the new loadlib.


. To upgrade CA Deliver:

 . Run RMODBASE UNLOAD on the database of the previous release.

 . Create a backup copy of the Deliver loadlib, of the previous release.


 . Copy the Deliver loadlib, of the new release, to the production system.

 . Issue "/F LLA,REFRESH".


 . With the new code, run RMODBASE VERSION nn.n, corresponding to the new release.


 . Items that can be customized in CA Deliver are: 


 . . Panels - CVDEPENU library 

 . . . Prior to running the RMODBASE OLOAD, customize the CVDEPENU(RMOJCLB) member, as it uses a bogus library name in the //STEPLIB statement. 


 . . Banners - CVDED133 library 

 . . . It is possible that a standard banner may have been customized, and the new release's standard banner (of the same name) could possibly overlay anything customized. 

 . . . Please ensure that anything customized is in place before any LOADing is done. 


 . . User Exits 

 . . . Compare the size of a default exit module to one that is possibly customized, and a customized exit will usually show to be larger.

 . . . If exit modification is identified, move the changes made to the exit code to the newly-supplied exit code, as default exit code could have been changed.


 . Run RMODBASE OLOAD, to load the new panels.

 . Run RMODBASE BLOAD, to load the new banners. 


 . Customize the RMOSTC started task PROC, to have the same DDs and members referenced.

 . Optionally, have a //STEPLIB of the new Deliver loadlib.


 . If running a RMOXMS (cross-memory) task, alter it with the change in Deliver release being run (noting PGM=ExnDRV name).


 . Update any corresponding logon profiles with the new libraries.

 . APF authorize the new loadlib.



. Start the View started tasks.

. Start the Deliver started tasks.


Additional Information

Please consult the CA View Installation Guide and the CA Deliver Installation Guide, for further information.