From the Spectrum OneClick Service Desk Configuration page when enabling SSL Support why is the Integration Access Protocol field being modified from http to https
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From the Spectrum OneClick Service Desk Configuration page when enabling SSL Support why is the Integration Access Protocol field being modified from http to https


Article ID: 104538


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


From the Spectrum OneClick Service Desk Configuration page when enabling SSL Support why is the Integration Access Protocol field being modified from http to https


Release: Spectrum 10.2.3 and below integrated with Service Desk
Component: SPCINT


This is a known issue which will be corrected in 10.3

If you have set the Integration Access Protocol field to http in 10.2.3 and below this may be modified manually to https

As of 10.3 when using the CA Service Desk you will have only:

"Enable SSL" option to connect in SSL mode with CA SD.

"Disable SSL" to connect with normal "http" mode with CA SD.

For other Service Desk versions:

If OneClick is on http you can “Disable SSl" and also keep integration parameters to "http".

If OneClick is on https you can "Enable SSL" also update the Integration parameters to "https".