Facing below error while looking at any of the execution reports in Portal under Reporting JasperReports encountered an error on context creation! Resource not found at: /reports/acl/audit/UserActivity.jasper__timezone=Asia/Kolkata.
WARN org.elasticsearch.cluster.routing.allocation.decider - [Angel Face] high disk watermark [10%] exceeded on [aICCOOJLR8iZ5aFZDIO5HQ][Angel Face] free: 278.3mb[1.3%], shards will be relocated away from this node
All supported DevTest releases.
This error will be due to insufficient disk space.
Verify the disk space on the server where DevTest Registry and Portal are running.
For Linux systems, use the command below to verify the disk space available for your system:
df -h
This command will report the file system disk space usage.
If you have a partition close to 100% in use, please clear the space on the server and restart the DevTest components.