Is the Thread Terminator authority of the PTTPLN03= (Terminate Threads) plan limited when cancelling threads
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Is the Thread Terminator authority of the PTTPLN03= (Terminate Threads) plan limited when cancelling threads


Article ID: 104119


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Thread Terminator for DB2 for z/OS


Is the Thread Terminator for Db2 for z/OS (PTT) authority of the PTTPLN03= (Terminate Threads) plan limited when cancelling threads?




Generally, Thread Terminator uses a proprietary method that triggers Db2 to cancel threads without issuing an actual Db2 CANCEL command.
If someone has authority to execute the PTTPLN03= (Terminate Threads ) plan, they are able to cancel most threads.
However, if the thread is either a distributed or parallel thread, a Db2 CANCEL command is issued to terminate the thread.
A TSO user can issue a DB2 CANCEL command only if he/she has at least SYSOPR authority.

There is also the “K-Terminate thread in MVS” option on the “Thread Terminator Terminate Threads” display.
This option terminates the actual work unit that the Db2 thread was created under, again without issuing a Db2 CANCEL command.