How do i get access to CA PAM Threat Analytics AMI in AWS
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How do i get access to CA PAM Threat Analytics AMI in AWS


Article ID: 104118


Updated On: 07-06-2018


CA Privileged Access Manager - Cloakware Password Authority (PA) CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


It it common practice for software vendors to provide pre-installed products as an AMI in Amazons AWS. CA PAM itself is delivered as an AMI.

I need to add CA PAM Treat Analytics to my CA PAM environment which is in AWS. I have already been granted access to the CA PAM AMI but I do not have access to the corresponding CA PAM Threat Analytic AMI. How can I get access to this?


Component: THAPAM


We do not provide an AMI for Threat Analytics in AWS. You must install an OS and then do an install of CA PAM Threat Analytics.