Use variables in multiple Spectrum events in a series
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Use variables in multiple Spectrum events in a series


Article ID: 104115


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CA Spectrum


Trying to do an event procedure that would match two different events. When these two events occurs within one minute apart,  Need to group them and create an alarm. Also,  need to have variables from those two events in the target alarm. How can you do this? 


Release: Any Spectrum version
Component: SPCAEM


It appears the Event Series rule is what you would want to use for this. 

When creating the rule and specifying the events in the series, you are given the opportunity to copy the event variables from the series event(s) to variables in the new generated event 

You are also given the opportunity to copy event variables from the trigger event to variables in the new generated event. 

What you have to be careful of is you do not over write copied events to the new event 

Example take event variables 1 and 3 and copy them to event variables 10 and 11 on the new generated event 

Also take  event variables 1 and 2 from the trigger event and copy them to event variables 1 and 2 on the generated event 

So the generated event will have event variables 1, 2, 10 and 11 which are all the event variables from the other two 

Yes you will need to use the Event Configuration to create new event "Z" and the Event Series configuration to use it 
and create your Alarm out of that. 

So to should map it out on paper 

 Have event A that has event variables 1 and 2 

Have event B that also have event variables 1 and 2 

Example: You want to create an event series rule on event A to check for event B generated within 5 minutes of event A being generated 

If true create event Z 

Pass event variable 1 and 2 from event A to event variables 1 and 2 of event Z 

Pass event varaibles 1 and 2 from event B to event variables 10 and 11 of event Z 

Then create event Z configuration using the event variables 1,2,10 and 11 as needed 

Then create your rule

Additional Information

Please reference the "Working with Event Rules" section of the documentation for more information.