Clarity logs stop updating
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Clarity logs stop updating


Article ID: 104091


Updated On: 05-26-2022


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Clarity logs stop updating and are empty some time after restart, what could be the reason for this?


Release: Any Supported Release


There are two possible reasons for an application log such as app-ca.log or bg-ca.log to stop updating:

I. Main Issue: Issue with logger.xml
Solution: replace the logger with a template file:

  1. Backup the file $clarity/config/logger.xml
  2. Replace $clarity/config/logger.xml with $clarity/.setup/templates/config/logger.xml
  3. Restart the service
  4. Repeat on all servers in cluster

II. Additional Solutions applicable for custom jobs:

If the above Workaround I only fixes the issue temporarily, and after a while the logs stop updating, we recommend looking into the custom jobs running on your environment. We have had issues in which custom java jobs use Clarity log4j.jar and this can lead to issues with logging

To prove this is the case:
a.    Stop the suspect job from running and restart the services
b.    Ensure the log is updating
c.    Wait for some time and see if the log stops updating

Our recommendations to avoid issues due to custom jobs are:

1. Try using the standard Java IO stream, or entries to the database as logging instead of the existing log4j.jar.
2. Alternatively, disable the logging on your custom job for now until you are able to rework it to avoid the log corruption. This should allow you to still use the job while keeping the environment stable.