We split our CICS setup into separate environments - D for Development A for Acceptance M for Management and P for production.
The jobnames of CICS regions has this letter as the 4th digit of it's name e.g. CICSprod is a production cics and CICSdevA is Development. We have always sent the LOGGER data from Sysview to separate files based on this environment.
We have separate files setup such as CICSLOGD and CICSLOGP. Someone notices that, when in CTRANSUM, that all the environments are using the Production logger datasets.
When I display the CICS logger datasets, I can see that the D A and M files say their latest entries are from June last year.
That is when I upgraded from R14.0 to R14.2 I will attach SVWCOPTS and CICSLOGR parmlib members, which I think are key.