Rally: On-Premises - Backup fails with Access Denied Error. Can we find the file in a tmp folder?
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Rally: On-Premises - Backup fails with Access Denied Error. Can we find the file in a tmp folder?


Article ID: 104010


Updated On: 11-15-2023


Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


Rally On-Premise edition allows and recommends periodic data backups. This is required during an upgrade procedure, yet you will always benefit from periodic backups. These backups can be scheduled and are launched from the Control Panel.

Our backup process has failed. The error message mentions: "put: Access failed: Failure"
The error mentions a dump file that was created.

- What is this error, why did the backup fail.
- Can we access and use the dump file instead?

From the control panel log:
Dump file set for SYSTEM.SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01 is: 
Job "SYSTEM"."SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01" successfully completed at Wed Jun 27 02:03:03 2018 elapsed 0 00:02:47 

<br /><strong>Step 4 of 6 - Tarring up Backup Files</strong> 
/bin/tar: Removing leading `/' from member names 
<br /><strong>Step 5 of 6 - Starting (S)FTP of backup file to sftp://<IP_ADDRESS>/net/<MachineName>/export/homes/rallybackup/ </strong> 
put: Access failed: Failure (directory-2018-06-27-02-00-10-dp.tgz) 
<br /><strong>Backup Failed!</strong><br />There was an error with the (S)FTP of the backup file - Exiting backup 


Component: ACPREM


This error indicates that the FTP put command failed to write the dump file to your remote FTP location. This may be a result of lack of disk space in the remote destination ftp folder, it may also be lack of write permissions issue with the username you specified in the control panel for the FTP action.

To recover the error, examine your destination FTP folder and make certain it has ample disk space. To confirm your username has proper write permissions you can use an FTP browser (such as WinSCP), log into that remote location and confirm the permissions are adequate. 

The dump file that's created can not be extracted or used. The dump file is created locally before transferred to the storage location by FTP. However, Agile Central On-Prem is immediately deleting this file after the backup. This is part of a cleanup process that ensure enough disk space on the On-Prem server. The dump file will be deleted, can not and should not be used.

To recover the above error, make certain you fix the Access problem to the FTP site, then perform the backup again.

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