The "cdm" probe and "dirscan" probe do not monitor Exchange Mount Points. They cannot see them. These drives do not have Mount Points and do not have Drive letters. For example:
UIM 8.5.1 logmon 3.,92
The "cdm" and "dirscan" probes cannot see these mount points. The "Logmon" probe can be used to launch a PowerShell script to check the free space.
1- Create a Powershell script in the robot directory of the Exchange Server(s): under "C:\Progra~2\Nimsoft\" called "MountPoint.ps1"
2- Add these contents:
$servers = (Get-Content "C:\Progra~2\Nimsoft\servers.txt") # Check each server foreach ($server in $servers) { # First check if the server is up if ((Test-Connection -quiet $server) -eq $true) { # Get all the volumes on the server with out a drive letter $volumes = Get-WmiObject -computer $server win32_volume | Where-object {$_.DriveLetter -eq $null} # Check each volume found foreach ($volume in $volumes) { # Skip the System Reserved volume. It will always be low if ($volume.Label -ne "System Reserved") { # Do some math to convert bytes into GB, rounded and 2 decimal places if (([math]::round(($volume.FreeSpace / 1073741824),2)) -le $lowSpace) { # write output including low disk space setting, server fqdn and volume name Write-Output "Low disk space warning (below $($lowSpace)GB) - $($server) - $($volume.Label)" } } } }
3- Create a "servers.txt" file in the same folder. This should contain a list of FQDN of Exchange servers for the servers you want to monitor. For example:
4- Run the script to make sure it works
5- Download and deploy the logmon probe to this robot.
6- This example is using the Infrastructure Manager client, it is fine to also use the web adminconsole. Create a new profile. General Tab:
7- Add a Watcher Rule
8- This should product alarms similar to the following:
Additional Information
Please note that the Powershell script will run with the same account that the "Nimsoft Robot Watcher Service" is running as on that robot.