A programmer just noticed when they initiate a compile in IDEAL.
=> 1-IDADCOMP04I - Compilation initiated IDEAL: MAIN MENU PGM CADTEST (001) TEST SYS: AOE MENU
The message saying the results seems to be delayed.
Like the message below:
=> #0-1-IDCMASYD13I - PGM CADTEST has compile warnings; listing in OUTPUT 0695 IDEAL: MAIN MENU PGM CADTEST (001) TEST SYS: AOE MENU
Can go to the output list and look and see that it is completed already. But the message with the result is delayed. This isn’t happening consistently, but seems to be doing it lately when I never noticed it before.
Release: 14.0
The compile is running under CICS transaction ID SAST as an asynchronous TASK (not attached to the user’s terminal) therefore, when the SAST task completes the user is notified the next time they hit ENTER (or some PF key) after the SAST task has completed producing an ADROUT member.
From all the compiler messages client put in the COMMENTs, it’s probably a fairly large program and getting lots of compiler messages, so SAST might take longer sometimes.
- Are other IDEAL users compiling at the same time?
- What’s the priority of SAST?
User CEMT I TRAN(SAST) to see the TRANCLASS. Maybe they need to do a bit of CICS tuning….. that’s up to them. The SAST definition is provided with the IPC CAVQSAMP member VQ15CSD and no TRANCLASS specified. The README for IPC refers to TRANCLASS.
Use command SET COMMAND SITE to see the options for Asynchronous messages: But U for USER only means that they will get the message, nothing about timing, so that must be up to when the SAST TASK completes.
The symptom was due to Performance problem related to another issue (IEAV setting).
When resolved the Compile symptom disappeared.