After activation of the EKG key, the following message is issued :
CAS9182A - WARNING: LMP KEY PROD (DT) EXPIRES IN 001 DAYS *** EKG key start date is mm/dd/yy: 29JUN18 EKG(nnnnnnnn)
Broadcom DOES NOT stop the processing of any MF product when this message is issued.
In fact CAS9182A is just a warning more than anything else and the EKG key will be honored. Only the activate of the EKG key is needed, by one of the methods, nothing else to pick it up by any products. Once an LMP KEY is introduced (CAS9 execution), it is there in CSA. so the CAS9182A messages are valid, the countdown is against the LMP KEY, not the EKG CODE. To get rid of these messages, there are 3 choices:
1. Obtain up to date new lmp keys, and execute CAS9 to refresh LMP.
2. add the CAS9182A to the MPFxx list of Z/OS to be suppressed (not recommended in any case)
3. Do IPL, with only the EKG CODE in the keys member. >>>> Last choice,not recommend.
The messages CAS9180E, CAS9181A can be suppresed by activating the EKG and restarting CAIRIM(CAS9).
But it's not possible to suppress the messages CAS9012A, CAS9013A, CAS9182A, unless adding an EKG, execute an IPL and start CAIRIM(CAS9).
Even with these CAS9nnnE/A messages the products will not fail, they continue to work.