uxjobend / uxjobinit and uxioserv use a lot of cpu
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uxjobend / uxjobinit and uxioserv use a lot of cpu


Article ID: 103958


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Sometimes, due to unknown reasons, several uxjobend / uxjobinit processes remain in the system using a lot of CPU, the same as the IO Server (uxioserv).
Job Events display the affected jobs in status Running or Pending, so does the DQM - Queued Jobs.
At the same time, the RSY process may also appear stuck in the past, but Launcher seems not affected as the rest of the Jobs continue to be launched.

The typical error that appears in the universe.log is:
|ERROR|X|IO |pid=p.t| o_ord_cycle   | Last IO operation failed with error 3. End of cycle

During the reorganization the following message may appear:
Module RSYNC still busy


Version: 6.x

Component: Dollar Universe Application Server (DUAS Node)

All OS affected


Sometimes, a lock occurs on a SB article, resulting in locked commands.



First try to stop / start RSY and Launcher engines, if that does not work, please follow the following procedure:

1. Kill remaining uxjobend / uxjobinit processes

2. Stop Dollar Universe node via the command:
unistop force

3 Launch a reorganization offline:

4. Start Dollar Universe:


Upgrade to Dollar Universe 6.9.41 or superior where safeguard has been added in the LAN engine to avoid this situation.

Additional Information

The issue cannot be reproduced at will.
In case the issue occurs on your environment, please open a case with CA Support.