What is causing this error message? 02:06:52.25 %SNS-F-SHOWEVE_TIMEOUT, Consolidator did not respond - Command aborted %SNS-F-SHOWEVE_TIMEOUT, Consolidator did not respond - Command aborted
%Debugging event TASKING_ERROR raised when trying to deliver an AST. s-tasren.adb:481 Task type is Receiver_Type Task id is ast_0000000001106010
: SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT FOR OPENVMS, Release: V25, Operating System: OpenVMS
The Watchdog consolidator did not respond to a users request for info from commands such as SHOW EVENTS and SHOW CONSOLIDATOR; that is indicative of the consolidator waiting on another task to complete, and most typically it is trying to poll the watchdog agent on one or more systems that are unreachable on the network (Watchdog agent is down or the system itself is down or there is a network connectivity issue).
While the error is disconcerting, it can usually be ignored because a subsequent SHOW EVENTS or SHOW CONSOLIDATOR command works just fine. Further, the issue can be exacerbated if the logical names SNS$DECNET_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT or SNS$TCPIP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT are defined to a value of 60 (seconds) or greater.
Further, even if the logicals are not defined, if multiple nodes are unreachable the issue can still occur.