HAgent ERROR TipcConnAccept failed ec 500 PEC
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HAgent ERROR TipcConnAccept failed ec 500 PEC


Article ID: 103869


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CA Harvest Software Change Manager - OpenMake Meister


We experience an agent crashed in <agent hostname> 

The error message in the HAgent log file is

HAgent | <date> <time> | ERROR: TipcConnAccept() failed (ec = 500[PEC]).


CA Harvest SCM all versions and platforms


Login to the Harvest broker machine as the user that owns the Harvest software 

CD to the folder that has the PEC software 

CD to the “standard” folder 

Edit the file named “rtserver.cm” 

If a line already exists that begins with “setopt _conn_init_timeout” change the value to 60 

If a line does not already exist that begins with “setopt _conn_init_timeout” add the following line to the file: 

   setopt _conn_init_timeout 60.0 

Save and close the rtserver.cm file 

Shut down the broker, all hservers and the rtserver 

Restart the broker.