When setting the CA Intertest CICS Statement Trace for my transaction I receive message CAIN3266 Input data is invalid.
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When setting the CA Intertest CICS Statement Trace for my transaction I receive message CAIN3266 Input data is invalid.


Article ID: 103857


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InterTest - CICS InterTest - Batch InterTest VSE - CICS


The client just upgraded to CA Intertest CICS r 11. The client is using the statement trace feature during their testing session. It works fine with Programs or Terminals options using the CA Intertest for CICS Monitoring Menu ITST. But when the client attempts to set the statement trace for one of their application transitions ZZES they receive message.
CAIN3266 Input data is invalid.
Reason:  The data entered is not valid or a program, transaction, or terminal was specified that is not defined to the CICS region.
Action:  Correct the data and re-try.




The client is testing in a CICSPLEX environment. The client transactions are not define to the DFHCSD file. They are defined to the CICSPLEX BAS repository. With BAS, you can implement CEDA-like resource definition and association across the
entire CICSplex. The CICSPlex SM data repository (EYUDREP) can serve as the central repository for CICS resource definitions. When the client issues a CEMT I TRANS(ZZES) CICS returns message transaction not found. When transactions are defined to the BAS repository they are not available to CA Intertest for CICS or CEMT.


CA Intertest CICS requires the transactions be defined to the DFHCSD file and available with CEMT.  CA Intertest CICS is currently working as designed and the BAS repository is not supported and this time. This this is considered and enhancement to the product to have the BAS functionally added.