Licenses for Clarity - finding information
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Licenses for Clarity - finding information


Article ID: 103854


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Questions related to the License information for Clarity including:

  1. How many total number of licenses do you have?
  2. What is the breakdown count of each type of license (Full, Restricted, View)?
  3. Which username/accounts count against the allotted number of licenses?
  4. What is the cost of the licenses?
  5. How can I View Access Rights?


Release: All Supported Clarity releases


For information on license use and breakdown, contact your  Account Team for further information.

Additional Information

As a Clarity Administrator, you can assign access rights to each named user and those rights determine which license is applied to that user. See the below expert from: View Access Rights be License Type

View Access Rights by License Type

You can view the access rights that are assigned to each license type from the Rights by License Type portlet. You can use the list as a reference when granting access rights to end users.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open Administration, and from Organization and Access, License Information.
    The license information page appears
  2. In the Rights by License Type portlet, view the access rights that are assigned to each license type. Sort the access rights list by each license type to view the associated rights.
  3. Optionally, click the Export to Excel icon to export your results to an Excel spreadsheet.