Is there an option to remove or turn off the CA Symdump CICS LAST SCREEN capture?
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Is there an option to remove or turn off the CA Symdump CICS LAST SCREEN capture?


Article ID: 103846


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SymDump for CICS SymDump Batch


In order to capture the LAST SCREEN in a CICS MRO environment CA Symdump CICS Module IN25PEP must be called by the CICS DFHPEP exit. The client removed IN25PEP from DFHPEP but can see in CPSM that IN25PEP is not being executed. But when they look at a dump captured by CA Symdump CICS they still the LAST SCREEN capture. We don't want to have any LAST SCREENs. Do you have any ideas why this would be happening? 




IN25PEP is required to guarantee LAST SCREEN capture in an MRO environment. Without IN25PEP in some cases you may not get the LAST SCREEN captured in MRO before the abend takes place. Even if you remove IN25PEP from DFHPEP at dump capture time CA Symdump CICS will try to gather as much information as possible on the abending task.
If the LAST SCREEN information is available CA Symdump will capture the screen. CA Symdump CICS is currently working as designed. There is no option to turn off the LAST SCREEN capture at this time.