CAUAJM_E_10436 Security server unreachable or invalid authentication certificate file! On autorep, sendevent, autosys_secure..client commands
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CAUAJM_E_10436 Security server unreachable or invalid authentication certificate file! On autorep, sendevent, autosys_secure..client commands


Article ID: 103837


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent


When executing client commands; autorep, sendevent, autosys-secure the following errors occur, how can this be corrected?

CAUAJM_E_10436 Security server unreachable or invalid authentication certificate file!
CAUAJM_E_10434 Error initiating security session!
CAUAJM_E_10437 Detailed Error Information:
[EE_AUTHFAILED Authentication Failed]
[Authenticate Error: Authentication Failed]
[Identity Attempted: ]


Component: ATSYS


Answer: Generate a new EIAM certificate for AE under autosys_secure and import as shown below.

bash-3.00$ autosys_secure
CAUAJM_E_10436 Security server unreachable or invalid authentication certificate file!
CAUAJM_E_10434 Error initiating security session!
CAUAJM_E_10437 Detailed Error Information:
[EE_AUTHFAILED Authentication Failed]
[Authenticate Error: Authentication Failed]
[Identity Attempted: ]

Do you wish to regenerate the EIAM certificate and attempt to reconnect? [1(yes)/0(no)]: 1
Input the EIAM backend server name (or hit enter to cancel): eemserv1
Input the EIAM administrator name (or hit enter to cancel): eiamadmin
Input the EIAM administrator password:
Confirm the EIAM administrator password:

CAUAJM_I_60200 EIAM certificate generated successfully.

AutoSys Security Utility

Please select from the following options:
[1] Revert to NATIVE instance security.
[2] Regenerate EIAM certificate.
[3] Change AutoSys database password.
[4] Change AutoSys remote authentication method.
[5] Manage AutoSys User@Host users.
[6] Get Encrypted Password.
[0] Exit AutoSys Security Utility

>. Exit Autosys_secure <<
Once that is done pull the certificate from eemserv1 and add to the cacerts on this path /opt/CA/SharedComponents/iTechnology/_jvm/lib/security/cacerts
keytool --list --keystore /opt/CA/SharedComponents/iTechnology/_jvm/lib/security/cacerts

keytool -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias eventproc01 eemserv1 -file eventproc01 eemserv1 .pem -keystore cacerts -storepass xxxxx{code}