Is it OK to run SARDBASE OLOAD (or) RMODABASE OLOAD using the same CVDEPENU library?
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Is it OK to run SARDBASE OLOAD (or) RMODABASE OLOAD using the same CVDEPENU library?


Article ID: 103827


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Deliver View


If View/Deliver are installed to the same SMP/E SMPCSI, there will be one CVDEPENU library that will contain all of the View and Deliver panels. 

What are the results of doing a SARDBASE or RMODBASE OLOAD using the same CVDEPENU library?


A run of either SARDBASE OLOAD or RMODBASE OLOAD will use the full contents of the CVDEPENU library. 

If the CVDEPENU library contains both View and Deliver panels, then the View database will contain Deliver panels, and the Deliver database will contain View panels.  

As nothing in View calls a Deliver panel, and as nothing in Deliver calls a View panel, the panels can remain where they are as they would not be used. 

If you want to have the View panels be in one library and the Deliver panels be in another library, so that only one set of panels gets loaded to a database, you would need to copy the one CVDEPENU library to another library, then delete the members that do not apply to that particular product.