Abend RCM00011 Db2 connection error $CTDIR LOCVER error Request fail RC=00000008 RS=00000014
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Abend RCM00011 Db2 connection error $CTDIR LOCVER error Request fail RC=00000008 RS=00000014


Article ID: 103629


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DATABASE MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR DB2 FOR Z/OS Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Administration Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Performance Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Recovery Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - SQL Performance Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Utilities Suite


In the process of upgrading Database Management for Db2 for z/OS suite to a new maintenance level the first job ssid0000 fails
in step COMPRT in ssid0000: DB2 connection error $CTDIR LOCVER error. Request fail RC=00000008 RS=00000014.


In many previous cases with more than one PTXMAN running on different maintenance levels, Xmanager caused the problem because
it was not running at the same maintenance level. Such a situation can cause unpredictable results like the : $CTDIR LOCVER error.


The Xmanager in use was already pointing to the updated hlq.CDBALOAD library. There are two PTXMAN's running , one for the current maintenance
level and the other on the updated maintenance level pointing them to a different XMANID. The XSYS value was changed to XSYS=N on the
updated Xmanager level and was thereby able to complete the ssid0000 job. Until the new maintenance level is installed in all environments this
same setting should be maintained.

Stopping and Starting the Xmanager started task and changing the value of XSYS=Y to XSYS=N after making sure that the hlq.CDBALOAD
library being used is the updated one often solves the problem.

Additional Information

Prepare the Xmanager Started Task Procedure

See section XSYS(Y|N)

Note: When XSYS=Y, we recommend that the involved Xmanagers use the same load library so they are at the same maintenance level. If the Xmanagers are at different maintenance levels, you must access data from the local Xmanager. The maintenance mismatch can potentially result in the display of user values that are inaccurate, an unexpected user abend, or both.