When used, the format of the DDNAME for an AREA, in the DBUTLTY JCL, should be:
ABC is the 3 AREA name characters.
Other formats can lead to errors like rc 65 (065) - DD Statement Missing.
Three characters DDNAME finishing with XX is reserved to Datacom software (like CXX, LXX….).
The following format:
ABC0nnn will generate a rc 65(065).
Error will occur during DBUTLTY function INIT or PREINIT when DDNAME does not follow the above rule.
It may generate other errors when not appropriately used.
Documentation has been updated.
see Example JCL:
INIT Data Area (Format Data Area)
If you saw a term WXX that is because all PREINIT executions are internally handled as a WXX uses for RRS but with a 'special' DDNAME.