How to create SMPPTFIN and SMPHOLD flat files using CA CSM
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How to create SMPPTFIN and SMPHOLD flat files using CA CSM


Article ID: 103572


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What are the steps to create  SMPPTFIN and SMPHOLD flat files with CA CSM?


Component: IDMS


1) Login into CA CSM and click the Products tab, identify the CSI from which the flat files will be created and click on the name.

2) This takes you to the SMP/E Environment Information tab. Click the Maintenance tab to display all the available maintenance for this CSI.

3) All the available maintenance will be displayed. Check off the filter check box and in the status column  click the down arrow and  select 'not received'. This will display all the PTF's that have not been received. Next  check off the select check box to select all the PTF's that are displayed . Click the highlighted apply to apply all these selected PTF's. Optionally a flat file maybe create with one PTF. To do this you could click the actions button to the right then click apply.

4) This displays the Maintenance install wizard. Check off Generate Flat File and click next.

5) This displays all the PTF's to be included in the SMPPFTIN flat file. Click next.

6) You are then be prompted to click yes to proceed with the receive.

7) The receive is started. 

8) The HOLDDATA is displayed. You may click the highlighted export link to move the HOLDDATA into a separate browser session to be later reviewed. Click next.

9)  Here it shows that there are no unresolved HOLDDATA. This is usually the case. CA CSM resolves all the HOLDDATA. Click next.

10) Enter the high level qualifier for the SMPPTFIN and SMPHOLD datasets. Optionally you may use SMS or  a single volser to store the datasets. Click next.

11) A summary is displayed. Click next.

12) The flat files are created. You  may go to TSO 3.4 to view the datasets.