If only 45 days worth of events are needed, you can re-initialize the reporting database from scratch and it will be rebuilt using the current 45 days worth (by default) from the Spectrum Archive Manager (DDM) databases in your Spectrum environment.
1. Log into the SRM system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation
2. Shutdown the OneClick tomcat process
3. If on Windows, start a bash shell by running "bash -login"
4. cd to the $SPECROOT/bin directory and enter the following command to re-initialize the reporting database:
./RpmgrInitializeLandscape.sh root <pass> -initHist 45 -all
5. Start the OneClick tomcat process
Depending on the size of the DDM database, this could take some time to rebuild the reporting database.
You can monitor the progression by doig the following:
1. Log into the OneClick web pages as an ADMIN user
2. Click on the Administration link
3. Click on the Report Manager link
4. Click on the SPECTRUM Status link
5. Monitor the date/time in the "Last Event Time" column. Ensure it increments until it gets to a current date/time.