Doing a Datacom DBUTLTY EXTEND is getting the following errors:
IEC145I 413-1C,IFG0193A,jobname,stepname,ddname,device,volser,dsn DB02405I - PXX START jobname nnnnn 13(005) XXXXB-nnn- D-1 DBUTLTY EXTEND DB02406I - PXX END - INVALID DASD TRACK OUTSIDE EXTENTS IEF450I jobname stepname - ABEND=S000 U0004 REASON=00000000 159
A second EXTEND, an EXTRACT or any attempt to open the file gets error:
DB02405I - PXX START jobname nnnnn 76(009) OPEN -nnn- D-1 DBUTLTY EXTEND DB02406I - PXX END - OPEN, NOT ENOUGH TRACKS DB00501E - OPEN ERROR - RETURN CODE 76 (009) CXX=xxxxxx nnnnnn
Release: 15.1
Component: Datacom/DB
This was found not to be a Datacom issue.
To recover from these errors you need to reallocate the file, run a DBUTLTY INIT and LOAD from a backup or restore the file using system utilities.
Also see article 209021 - Datacom IEC145I 413-1C after DYNAMIC EXTEND IEC032I E37-08 failure
The problem is due to a z/OS problem with managing the VTOC. Currently there is no IBM PTF to fix the problem
IBM FIN APAR OA60902 has been created for this problem and will be fixed in the next product release of DFP End-Of-Volume code.
See Datacom documentation sections Return Code 76 - OPEN ERROR and Return Code 13 - INTERNAL ERROR