MENORL07 Panel reload scheduled
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MENORL07 Panel reload scheduled


Article ID: 103477


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TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


I need to reload a panel dynamically and have it updated immediately.

When I issue RELOAD PANEL=TEN0003,
I get the message - MENORL07 Panel reload scheduled
... and panel does not change. How can I make the change occur immediately ?


Component: TPX


The event of RELOAD will wait if the requested entity is in service.
TPX has scheduled the event. Once the other tasks are completed, this event will trigger.

In most cases where traffic is not heavy, the RELOAD of 'panels' can be immediate, however, when a Reload is requested on a busy system it can take a few minutes for the reload to take effect.

This is because the effected panels may still be 'open' during the reload. TPX waits for the 'no-use' flag before updating to avoid any corruption.