Unable to edit two files in the wildfly folders for the VAPP
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Unable to edit two files in the wildfly folders for the VAPP


Article ID: 103396


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CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


1.    We need to protect the User Console with CA SSO (formerly known as SiteMinder) and want to disable the FrameworkAuthFilter.
Unable to edit web.xml located in :

But the console user is not able to edit the file which is owned by:
wilfdfly. -rwxrwxr-- 1 wildfly wildfly 14729 Jun 18 15:52 web.xml

2.  Edit the skin details for the following file which are located in:

But the console user is not able to edit the file which is owned by:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 wildfly config 6678 Jul 5 2017 index.jsp


Identity Manager Virtual Appliance 14.x


1.  The DisableIdmAuthFilterSecurity command to achieve the requested functionality,
which should be present after applying CP5.

2.Permissions to the index.jsp file were added as part of HF-DE356922-20180408-0001.tgz.gpg which can be found in DE356922.