Rally: WSAPI - UTC used for Time Zone for WSAPI
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Rally: WSAPI - UTC used for Time Zone for WSAPI


Article ID: 103367


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Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


We notice a difference between the time displayed in Rally to what is being returned by WSAPI for the same artifact and same field. Here is an example for a Feature's Planned End Date field.

Planned End Date as seen on the item:

Planned End Date as seen in a grid/list:

Planned End Date as returned by WSAPI:

Notice that the time zone is difference. The few hours difference may cause actual date difference which impacts the returned results for WSAPI and reports to be different than what is seen in Rally.


Component: ACSAAS


The explanation for this behavior is explained at: Customize Your Workspace

Rally records times in the UTC time zone and in Zulu format. (more on these , see in the additional info section).

- WSAPI returns the data as it is recorded in UTC and Zulu format - as you see in the WSAPI screen shot earlier.
- Rally, however, coverts that time to the workspace time zone and displays it in that time zone and in the format that the user has selected in his/her settings.

In case you need to display the WSAPI returned time to your workspace time zone then you'll need to offset the UTC/Zulu time to your workspace time in your calculation. You can see more on that in the Additional Info.