When Running Connector, Usage options are shown even though config file has been specified.
For example
C:\CA_Connector>ca_agile_central2_hpalm_connector.rb my_config.xml -1
Usage: C:/Ruby22-x64/bin/ca_agile_central2_hpalm_connector.rb <options> <config_filename> <interval_in_minutes>
where <options> are:
--version, -v: Prints the revision number of the connector.
--preview, -p: Run the connector in preview mode, don't actually copy or update any items.
--log-file-size, -s <n>: Set the size limit for a log file to <n> megabytes.
--max-log-files, -m <n>: Set the maximum number of log files in log file rotation to <n>.
--help, -h: Print this Usage message.
--cleartext, -c: Bypass encrypting the credentials if they are already in clear text.
where <config_filename>
File system reference to an XML file specifying the connector configuration. Usual extension is '.xml'.
where <interval_in_minutes>
The interval, in minutes, for which the connector will run after executing command the first time.
-1 will only run the connector once and will exit afterwards.