How to change the status of the CA SDM ticket automatically with Macros and Events.
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How to change the status of the CA SDM ticket automatically with Macros and Events.


Article ID: 10328


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


How to change the status of the CA SDM ticket automatically with Macros and Events.


CA Service Desk Manager 17.3 All Supported Operation Systems


1. Create a Site Defined Macro. 

Administration Tab -> Events and Macros -> Macros

Symbol/Name of the Macro: Awaiting End User

Object Type: Request/Incident/Problem

Macro Type: Site Defined Condition


Site Defined Conditions of the Macro

Active= Yes 

Status = Awaiting End User Response

Note:  There is a already an OOTB default action macro called "Set Status = In Progress" 

2. Create an event

Administration Tab -> Events and Macros -> Events

Name: Awaiting End User Automatic Status Change

Object Type: Request/Incident/Problem

3. Map both the macro created in Step #1 and the OOTB "Set Status = In Progress" macro to the created event. 

Map "Awaiting End User" macro under the Configuration Information tab

Map "Set Status = In Progress" macro under 'Update Actions on True' under Action Information tab. 

4. In Activity Notifications for "Log Comment", map the event "Awaiting End User Automatic Status Change" created in Step #2

Administration Tab -> Notifications -> Activity Notifications

Under Events Tab, select Update Events and search for "Awaiting End User Automatic Status Change" event created in Step #2

5. Create a Request/Incident and change status to "Awaiting User Response" 

6. Log a comment in the ticket. You should notice that the status on the ticket will be changed to "In Progress" automatically

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