How to setup a Spectrum SpectroWatch to monitor temperature on a Cisco device
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How to setup a Spectrum SpectroWatch to monitor temperature on a Cisco device


Article ID: 103265


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


How to setup a Spectrum SpectroWatch to monitor temperature on a Cisco device


Any version of Spectrum


1. Locate the CiscoEnvMonApp on locater application model by name

2. Make sure is attached or Mapped into the device where you want to set up the watch ( this means is Supported)

3. Click on Information ( on the same Model)

4. Expand Threshold and Watches

5. Click the Glasses + Create a new Watch

6. Give a Name to the Watch

7. On the Expression you can look for the attribute:


You can select an Instance for All or Range

8. On the Properties Select evaluate by Polling ( this will evaluate next 300 sec)

9. Select Threshold there you will need to configure the values you want the watch to alert you on event or alarm form Example:

Threshold violated if value >= 71 . 
Threshold reset if value < 59 . 

on Notification 
Select what do you want to trigger Alarm/Events

10. Select Ok and Activate.

Additional Information

Please reference the "Watches" section of the documentation for more information.