Getting USER COMPLETION CODE=3995 when bringing up Dispatch STC. In active load module CAISYS01
Release: Component: DISPAT
The CA Dispatch online abends with a U3995 code.
This is an CA IDMS system abend. A program check occurred in a system module with R13 set to an invalid value.
There are several known scenarios that can cause this:
* If the U3995 occurs at Startup, this can be related to: * a non-authorized library in the Dispatch started task STEPLIB DD * SVC not initialized. Execute your CAIRIM job with PRODUCT(CA-DISPATCH) VERSION(DSB7) INIT(DSINIT) PARM(CADSSVC)
* Mismatched size modules with the database files or dictionary
* Using a CV number that was out of the range defined in the SVC
* A 0Cx abend occurred in an IDMS interface user exit. The only CA user exit applicable in this situation is the RDFGEX06 Security Exit. Back out and reevaluate any changes you made to the exit.