CA IM 14.2 Self Service Registration Failed to execute SelfRegisterUserEvent. ERROR MESSAGE: AttributeValidationException:Bad attribute specified
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CA IM 14.2 Self Service Registration Failed to execute SelfRegisterUserEvent. ERROR MESSAGE: AttributeValidationException:Bad attribute specified


Article ID: 103189


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CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


CA IM 14.2 Running on Windows 2016, Using out of the box feature Self Registration. After fill up the related attributes, then submit. Error return "Failed to execute SelfRegisterUserEvent. ERROR MESSAGE: AttributeValidationException:Bad attribute specified"


CA Identity Manager 14.2 virtual appliance


The issue is due to some mandatory fields are missing from user object creation


The key points are:
1. the SelfRegistrationProfile screen should gather default User Organization value
2. the User Organization value should be a DN, for example: ou=im,ou=ca,o=com
3. the Full Name filed should be a mandatory field and can't be blank.