Configure multiple instances of DRAS for CA Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
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Configure multiple instances of DRAS for CA Output Management Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 10305


Updated On: 08-12-2020


Output Management Document Viewer Output Management Web Viewer


How to configure multiple instances of Dras for CA Output Management Web Viewer 12.1.


Release: OUTWBV01300-12.1-Output Management-Web Viewer for AIX


One CA OM Web Viewer with Multiple CA DRAS Started Tasks 

You can install and run multiple CA DRAS started tasks with one CA OM Web Viewer. 

This configuration takes place on the Administration tab for repositories. An administrator can configure one repository in CA OM Web Viewer to have multiple DRAS tasks or Repository Locations. In this scenario, each task connects to a specific ENF(CCI)/CA DRAS/CA View or a specific ENF(CCI)/CA DRAS/CA Dispatch repository.

When you create a repository definition in the Administration tab, it automatically does a DRAS discovery for you and shows you all DRAS tasks that it finds. You can select any or all DRAS tasks that show up. CA OM Web Viewer distributes the load among these DRAS tasks to access this particular mainframe Dispatch repository. 

You will need CA Common Services CCI Gateway definitions if the tasks are on other LPARS. You may have this already. If not, CA Common Services support can help you set this up. There is no additional charge for the CCI Gateway. 



Additional Information

This graphic on our documentation site illustrates the concept of load balancing among several DRAS tasks.