What are the steps to upgrade to Ideal 15.1?
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What are the steps to upgrade to Ideal 15.1?


Article ID: 103049


Updated On:


Ideal Datacom Datacom/DB


I want to upgrade from Ideal 14.0 to 15.1. What are the steps required to do this?


Release: 15.1
Component: IDEAL


Perform the following steps to upgrade from Ideal 14.0 to 15.1: 

  1. Install the product using Install Products Using z/OSMF or Install Products Using SMP/E JCL. For a Pax install, the following SAMPJCL jobs need to be run: 

    • IDL1HOLD

    • IDL2ALL

    • IDL3CSI

    • IDL4RECD

    • IDL5APP

    • IDL6ACC

  2. Follow the steps of Performing the Customization Steps for All Installations. Run INSTJCL  job ILCUS00 only. Jobs ILCUS01 and ILCUS02 are optional for upgrades (see next step). 

  3. Perform the Upgrading Ideal from 14.0 to 15.x steps:

    • Review and reset options

    • Run INSTJCL job ILCUS03 ( jobs ILCUS01 and ILCUS02 are optional for upgrades) 

  4. Perform the CICS Modifications and CICS Resource Definitions steps in the Performing Post-Installation Phase: 

    • Add the IDEAL 15.1 CUSLIB and CAILLOAD libraries to the CICS DFHRPL concatenation.

    • Run INSTJCL job ILCICS to modify the CICS tables and CSD definitions.

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