Create a device with command string TL using the Rest API
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Create a device with command string TL using the Rest API


Article ID: 103048


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CA Privileged Access Manager - Cloakware Password Authority (PA) CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


The information on the Settings > API Doc for the "POST /api.php/v1/devices.json" operation, specifically with regard to transparent login configurations using the Command String option, is not quite clear. It would be useful to have a sample JSON body showing how the parameters need to be entered. An example on how to configure access methods would be helpful as well.


Below is a sample JSON body that will create a device with transparent login type "Command string", defining a few su commands for which PAM will insert a password transparently during an SSH access session. The example also shows how to configure access methods and tags for the device.

  "description":"RP RestApi test device",
  "transparentLoginType":"Command string",
    "commandStrings":["su","su -","su root","su - root"],