CA Workload Control Center returns the following error while viewing the job log:
CAUAJM_E_10682 Requested log file for the specified job could not be found.
E135001 There was an error trying to load the log: CAUAJM_E_10682 Requested log file for the specified job could not be found.
The Workload Automation AE Command line utility returns the following:
# autosyslog -J <JobName> -tO
CAUAJM_E_10682 Requested log file for the specified job could not be found.
CAUAJM_E_50138 No agent files found for job <JobName>.
# autosyslog -J <JobName> -tE
CAUAJM_E_10682 Requested log file for the specified job could not be found.
CAUAJM_E_50138 No agent files found for job <JobName>.
# autosyslog -J <JobName> -tA
CAUAJM_E_10682 Requested log file for the specified job could not be found.
CAUAJM_E_50138 No agent files found for job <JobName>.
# autosyslog -J <JobName> -tS
CAUAJM_E_10682 Requested log file for the specified job could not be found.
CAUAJM_E_50138 No agent files found for job <JobName>.
There are several possible reasons for the error.