Upgrade XCOM for Linux 11.6 SP00 32-bit to 11.6 SP01 64 bit
Article ID: 10303
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XCOM Data TransportXCOM Data Transport - Linux PC
How to upgrade from XCOM™ Data Transport® for Linux PC 11.6 SP00 32-bit to XCOM for Linux 11.6 SP01 64 bit.
Red Hat Linux Intel
XCOM™ Data Transport® for Linux PC 11.6
There is no migration path from XCOM Data Transport Service Pack for Linux PC 11.6 SP00 32-bit to XCOM Data Transport Service Pack 11.6.01 for Linux PC 64-bit. The installed product will have to be uninstalled and then a new install will need to be done for XCOM Data Transport Service Pack 11.6.01 for Linux PC x64.
Installation of XCOM Data Transport for UNIX/Linux for UNIX/Linux PC X64 requires both of the following:
Redhat Enterprise Linux, or SUSE Linux Enterprise running on an Intel or compatible PC
Kernel level at Version 2.6.32 or higher: NOTE: the installation will fail if this requirement is not met.
Backup the current product before uninstalling it.
Change into the directory where XCOM is installed and ensure that there are no active transfers running by typing xcomqm -La.
Typexcomqm -R* to delete everything in the queue.
Bring down the xcomd service with xcomd -cy. Note do not use this command to bring down xcomd in normal circumstances.
Choose a System ID and System Name for this system. The System ID must have 1-4 characters and the System Name must have 1-8 characters. Together, the System ID and System Name are used to uniquely identify this specific XCOM Data Transport system.
Before starting to uninstall CA XCOM Data Transport Service Pack 11.6 SP00 for Linux PC 32-bit, log on as superuser (root).
Go to the Uninstaller subdirectory in the directory where you installed CA XCOM Data Transport for UNIX/Linux PC, the $XCOM_HOME/Uninstaller.
Issue the command: $ sh Uninstaller
Follow these step for the new install:
Download the .iso file for XCOM Data Transport Service Pack 11.6.01 for Linux PC 64-bit to your PC
Unzip the .iso file with Win-ZIP or similar unzip product.
Upload the XCOM.bin file to your Linux system and put it in a temp directory.
Change to the directory that contains the XCOM.bin file and start the installation. To do so, issue the following command: sh XCOM.bin
Move through the installation process as follows. Respond to the prompt in each section in either of the following ways:
Enter the number that is associated with your choice. Press Enter to accept the default.
During the install, you must enter the System ID and System Name that you selected for this system.
You can exit the installation process at any time by typing quit.
Restore saved files if needed. In most cases the uninstall leaves behind any files you customized, with the exception of xcom.ses and xcom.tid.
Start xcomd
From now on, there will be a migration path to the next maintenance.