There is a better way to manage these SYSUDUMP and SYSMDUMP.
It is about using LE runtime option
DYNDUMP : A practical case related to DBSRV would be:
- hlq will be a high qualifier which should be preferably short. Having a long
hlq may generate problem since process make data set name longer by adding a time stamp.
The hlq value is limited to 26 characters.
- DYNAMIC: Language Environment creates a dynamic dump automatically when the application has not already specified one of the dump ddnames, (for example, SYSUDUMP).
- TDUMP: Language Environment creates a dynamic dump automatically.
Place the DYNDUMP option in CEEOPTS DD Statement.
Dump data set names will start with
IEA993I from JES will tell you the data set name being created and it will be different each time since the Data set name will include a time stamp.
Once CEEOPTS is set up, then you may remove SYSUDUMP or SYSMDUMP DD statement from your DBSRV JCL.