Basic steps to map a trap in Spectrum from an Unmanaged Trap
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Basic steps to map a trap in Spectrum from an Unmanaged Trap


Article ID: 10296


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


These are the basic steps to map a trap in Spectrum when an Unmanaged Trap event id 0x10801 is asserted on a model.

When a device being managed by Spectrum sends a trap to the SpectroSERVER where it is modeled and that trap is not pre-configured in an AlertMap file, Spectrum will generate an Unmanaged Trap event id 0x10801 on the model.




Release: All Supported Releases
Component: SPCAEM - Events and Alarms


The following are the basic instructions on how to map a device Unmanaged Trap event id 0x10801 in Spectrum using the following example:


All of the information needed to map the trap is located in the 0x10801 event. From the above example: is the trap oid is a trap varbind. We can assume from the value "This is an example of an unmanaged trap" the data type is text string. If the value was "12345" we can assume the data type was integer.

Before creating the AlertMap file entry, you will need to use the Event Configuration editor to create a new event for this trap. For this example, I created a new event id 0xfff00004 with the following Event Message. I am thinking ahead for the AlertMap and will same the trap varbind to event variable 1:

This is the new event for the Unmanaged trap. 

The value of the varbind is {S 1}.

Now that the event configuration is created, I can map the trap. Since this is a custom trap, the trap should be configured in the $SPECROOT/custom/Events/AlertMap file. The following is the trap configuration: 0xfff00004,0)

After making my changes, we will need to update the SpectroSERVER Event Configuration by clicking on the "Update Event Configuration" button in the "SpectroSERVER Control" subview of the VNM model.

The next time the trap is received by Spectrum, it will be processed according to the AlertMap and EventDisp configuration.



Additional Information

Please reference the "Event Configuration" section of the documentation for more information.