There are checkboxes on the 'Project List' page before every project's name, but these checkboxes are only visible if the users have "Delete" rights for the projects. The problem is that we need those checkboxes for several processes to run, but we don't want to give our users Delete rights for projects. Is there any other way to make these checkboxes available for certain user groups?
The Project Delete Access rights are required to have the checkboxes on the Project List page.
This is the intended behavior.
The workaround could be:
1. Create a dummy project and inactivate it.
2. Give the Project Delete Access right at the Instance level to that specific project.
3. This will enable the checkbox for the whole Project List which will enable you to call the actions from the list.
You will not be able to delete any projects as the deletion would only allow you to act upon that dummy project.
This is also true for any subobjects. You will give Delete access right at the Instance level to a specific subobject.