This document provides the steps necessary to convert the WCC 11.3.x and WCC 11.4.x database from either Derby or MS SQL to Oracle. These steps apply to WCC versions 11.3.5, 11.3.6, and 11.4 only.
Starting from Autosys 12.0 the schema needs to be created using the Autosys installer image.
1. Create the Oracle Schema
While WCC will automatically create the objects for its database, the schema must first be created by your Oracle DBA using the following guidelines...
2. Backup Configuration and Monitoring Data
Since WCC configuration and monitoring view data are stored in the database, you will need to backup this data from the current database so that it can be imported into the new Oracle schema. If you are running multiple WCC servers as part of an HA environment, you will only need to run these commands on one of the servers.
To backup the configuration, run...
<WCC_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/bin -u <user> -p <password> -x wcc_cfg.txt -plainpwd
For Windows...
<WCC_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>\bin wcc_config.bat -u <user> -p <password> -x wcc_cfg.txt -plainpwd
To backup the monitoring data, run...
<WCC_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/bin -u <user> -p <password> -x wcc_mon.txt -plainpwd
For Windows...
<WCC_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>\bin wcc_monitor.bat -u <user> -p <password> -x wcc_mon.txt -plainpwd
The <user> and <password> specified in the commands above can be any WCC user that has Commander-level permissions.
Save the .txt files to be used to import the data into the new Oracle database.
3. Point WCC and Reporting to the new Oracle database.
Stop all of the WCC services. If you have multiple WCC servers as part of an HA environment, stop the services on all WCC servers.
a) Run the following command to change the WCC database configuration...
<WCC_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/bin/ -u <user> -p <password> --dbplatform ORACLE --dbuser <db_user> --dbpassword <db_password> --dbtnspath <tnsnames.ora path> --dbtnsname <tns_alias>
For Windows...
<WCC_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>\bin\wcc_config.bat -u <user> -p <password> --dbplatform ORACLE --dbuser <db_user> --dbpassword <db_password> --dbtnspath <tnsnames.ora path> --dbtnsname <tns_alias>
b) Also run the following command to change the REPORTING database configuration:
<WCC_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/bin/ -u <user> -p <password> --dbplatform ORACLE --dbuser <db_user> --dbpassword <db_password> --dbtnspath <tnsnames.ora path> --dbtnsname <tns_alias> --dbapp REPORTING
For Windows...
<WCC_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>\bin\wcc_config.bat -u <user> -p <password> --dbplatform ORACLE --dbuser <db_user> --dbpassword <db_password> --dbtnspath <tnsnames.ora path> --dbtnsname <tns_alias> --dbapp REPORTING
<user> - any WCC user with Commander-level permissions
<password> - password for the WCC user
<db_user> - Oracle user that owns the WCC schema
<db_password> - Oracle password for <db_user>
<tnsnames.ora path> - path to the tnsnames.ora file on the WCC server. This must include the filename.
<tns_alias> - TNS alias for the Oracle database.
<dbapp> - Specifies the application that the database server is associated with.
Valid values are as follows:
NOTE: If you have multiple WCC servers as part of an HA environment, this command must be run on each server.
4. Create WCC objects in Oracle
To create the database objects in the new Oracle database, you will just need to restart the WCC services. The objects will be created automatically since they do not yet exist. If you have multiple WCC servers as part of an HA environment, only start the services on one of the servers initially. Do not start the services on the other servers until you are able to successfully login to WCC on the first server.
## For WCC 12.x and above, you can use Autosys Installer to select option#2 to create WebUI database to create the database. Restart of WCC will not auto create the database like it used to in 11.4.x releases.
5. Import Configuration and Monitoring Data
Once you have verified that you are able to successfully login to the WCC server(s) with the new database configuration, you are ready to import the configuration and monitoring data that was backed up prior to the change. If you are running multiple WCC servers, you will only need to run the import on one of the servers.
To import the configuration using the files created in step 2, run...
<WCC_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/bin -u <user> -p <password> -i wcc_cfg.txt
On Windows...
<WCC_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>\bin -u <user> -p <password> -i wcc_mon.txt
<user> and <password> will be the same WCC Commander-level user that you have been using throughout this procedure.
Your WCC should now be using Oracle and have all of the configuration and monitoring data restored.