Rally: Error presented when copying a work item
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Rally: Error presented when copying a work item


Article ID: 102900


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Rally SaaS


When the user wants to copy a work item, just like User story, the page will show red card error: 

Validation error: HierarchicalRequirement.Dropdownlist Value [ option 1 ] for field [ Dropdownlist ] is invalid. Valid values are: {[option 3, option 4, option 2, option 5]}

And the item is not allowed to copy.


The work item has a value is no longer in the field anymore. In Rally, if a work item using a value in dropdown list field and if the value has been removed, the system won't remove the value from work item. It will be kept in the work item. And the system could not copy the work item which is using a value not exist anymore. So the system will pop up an error message like: 

Validation error: HierarchicalRequirement.Dropdownlist Value [ option 1 ] for field [ Dropdownlist ] is invalid. Valid values are: {[option 3, option 4, option 2, option 5]}

As the example error, HierarchicalRequirement.Dropdownlist means "Dropdonlist" field in User Story. The Value "option 1" is no longer in the field anymore. The existing values are [option 3, option 4, option 2, option 5]. 


Change the value to a valid value, then copy the work item again.