How to resolve CAS9013A Product Message
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How to resolve CAS9013A Product Message


Article ID: 102866


Updated On:


PanAudit Plus Easytrieve Report Generator PAN/SQL


Receiving the CAS9013A error for both 7E and 6T LMP Keys
    Product 7E about to expire or is expired and is in use
    Product 6T about to expire or is expired and is in use

While not licensed for either IMS option or IDMS option, these warnings constantly appear on the the console.
How can these messages be stopped?


Component: EZTPLS


For the CAS9013E with the 7E LMP key for IDMS, please remove or rename the load module EZTPB40.
For the CAS9013E with the 6T LMP key for IMS, please remove or rename the load module EZTPB37.
If the program(s) invoking the CAS9013E messages is/are not run for two hours after removing/renaming the above load modules, then the CAS9013E messages will stop appearing.  The other option is to IPL.