How to control user access to Spectrum based alarms appearing in DX NetOps CA Performance Management (CAPM)
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How to control user access to Spectrum based alarms appearing in DX NetOps CA Performance Management (CAPM)


Article ID: 102792


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


NetOps Portal has an Alarm Console Dashboard to display Spectrum Alarms. 

How can we control user access to the Alarms appearing in DX NetOps CAPM from DX NetOps Spectrum to match the controls in place in Spectrum?

In CA Performance Management releases r3.2 and earlier there was no concern for this due to no Spectrum Alarms appearing in CA Performance Management. There is a  Dashboard that exposes CA Spectrum Alarms that are synchronized to CA Performance Management when the two are integrated together.

This can introduce a need to reconfigure users element access in CAPM so their Spectrum Alarm access matches what is available to the same user in Spectrum.


DX NetOps CAPM all currently supported releases


Once the Groups are already configured there is unfortunately at this time no way to move them within the hierarchy via a Copy or Move function.

The Groups will need to be recreated as new Groups that effectively copy the old ones in the new desired location in the hierarchy.

This will result in the same groups that have new IDs to represent them behind the scenes in the database. This will 'break' any Dashboard or individual View Report Chart that the Group is locked to. Edit these to reference the new group to fix the reports.