Spectrum Alarm (0x10f61) is not cleared after freeing up the disk space
Article ID: 102701
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CA Spectrum
Even after freeing up the disk space, the alarm with Cause Code: 0x10f61 is not cleared up.
0x10f60 event code - The partition storing the SRM database is less than 75% full. Current value: {I 1} This event code clears the following alarms: - 0x10f61 cause code - DISK SPACE USAGE BETWEEN 75% AND 85% - 0x10f62 cause code - DISK SPACE USAGE BETWEEN 85% AND 95% - 0x10f63 cause code - DISK SPACE USAGE ABOVE 95%
Even after freeing up the disk space, the alarm with Cause Code: 0x10f61 is not cleared up.
The 0x10f60 event code has the following Event Message: - The partition storing the SRM database is less than 75% full. Current value: {I 1}
This event code clears the following alarms: - 0x10f61 cause code - DISK SPACE USAGE BETWEEN 75% AND 85% - 0x10f62 cause code - DISK SPACE USAGE BETWEEN 85% AND 95% - 0x10f63 cause code - DISK SPACE USAGE ABOVE 95%
Any version of Spectrum
The Spectrum Tomcat runs the DiskSpaceChecker at startup and every day afterward.
Depending on the time you freed up the disk space and the time the Spectrum Tomcat service has started, the alarm will be cleared only on the next day.
To speed up you can stop/start the Spectrum Tomcat service.
Additional Information
The DiskSpaceChecker task is configured in the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/repmgr/config/scheduling.xml file.
The 0x10f60, 0x10f61, 0x10f62, and 0x10f63 events are sent from the OneClick+SRM to the SRM_Application model.
The threshold values for these events are hardcoded and cannot be changed.