What is the basic procedure for upgrading to a new version of CA Console Management for OpenVMS?
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What is the basic procedure for upgrading to a new version of CA Console Management for OpenVMS?


Article ID: 10248


Updated On:


System Watchdog for OpenVMS


This article is an overview of upgrading CA Console Management for OpenVMS to a new version on the same workstation where the product is already installed. This article will refer you to other technical articles and product documentation that, when used in concert, provide detailed information that will guide you through the upgrade process.

Preparing for the upgrade of Console Manager:

A. If you do not possess a physical media kit, then you may download a soft media kit (ISO disc image) from support.ca.com. The complete documentation set can be accessed on both support.ca.com and the physical or soft-media kits.

B. If you will be using the soft media ISO image, then you will need to enable the OpenVMS Logical Disk utility so that you can mount and access the ISO image. For complete details, refer to technical article TEC470743 which is available on support.ca.com.

C. At the minimum, you should create an export of the Console Manager configuration database. Execute the following commands to create an export file of the configuration database in text file format. This file should be stored in a safe place such as SYS$MANAGER.

CM_Edit> export sys$manager:console_pre_upgrade.port
CM_Edit> quit

Instead of saving only the export of the configuration database, it is preferable to create a backup of the directory tree where Console Manager is installed. The entire directory tree can be backed-up using the OpenVMS BACKUP utility by specifying an input file specification of CONSOLE$ROOT:[000000...]*.*;*. Be sure to shutdown Console Manager before attempting to perform the backup.

D. All versions of Console Manager perform updates to the system disk such as adding the CONSOLE command to the CLI tables (DCLTABLES.EXE), adding information to the system help library, and by placing startup and shutdown files into SYS$STARTUP. Therefore, we recommend making a backup of the system disk to ease the restoration of the old environment should the upgrade suffer a failure that renders the old environment unusable.


Operating environment considerations:CA Console Management for OpenVMS r3.1 requires minimum versions of OpenVMS, DecWindows Motif, and the TCP/IP stack in order to operate. For complete information, review the read-me file named CACM$README.TXT or CACM$README.HTML that is available on either the media kit or the documentation bookshelf accessible from our on-line support site, support.ca.com.


Comprehensive information for actually performing the upgrade can be found in the product installation guide which is included in both HTML and PDF formats on the product media kit. Since both the physical media and soft media product kits are in ISO format, you may access the documentation from a personal system that is equipped with a CD/DVD ROM drive or that is equipped with software that provides access to ISO disc images.  The installation guide should be read in its entirety before attempting the upgrade.